View accurate, instantaneously updated listings of all REALTOR® properties in southeast Minnesota, current open house information, and information on grants, mortgage options, foreclosure prevention, title companies – everything you need to know to facilitate a smooth real estate transaction at We are the official website of the southeast Minnesota area MLS, which has the most comprehensive area REALTOR® listings with over 4,000 REALTOR® listed properties. Southeast Minnesota REALTORS® can guide you through the home ownership process from beginning to end.

Please review links to help get you started:

Use Our Home Search
Our Home Search features accurate, instantaneously updated listings of properties available in the southeast Minnesota area. We are the official website of the southeast Minnesota area MLS, which contains the most comprehensive REALTOR® listings.

Find Open Houses
View our listing of upcoming Open Houses on active REALTOR® property listings.

Search Outside of Southeast Minnesota
If you will no longer be calling southeast Minnesota home, find resources you can trust in your search for your new home at SEMR.

Our REALTOR® search helps you find a qualified and knowledgeable Real Estate agent in your area.  Search by name, email or zip code.

Why Use a REALTOR®
Find out how partnering with REALTOR® can take the stress out of home buying experience.

Choosing Your REALTOR®
These 12 question can help you find a REALTOR® that meets your unique needs.

Whether you need a banker or a lawyer, a REALTOR® or a home inspector, a list of southeast Minnesota real estate resources can be found on our “Find Your Team” page.  Assemble the team just right for you and pursue your real estate dreams!

Understand all of the steps required to find the right home for you and examine whether or not you are ready for the responsibility of home ownership.

Determine your dream’s affordability with a detailed calculation that takes into account more than interest rate, price and term.

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